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We've Partnered with AIP

to help drive innovation, educate the industry, and empower businesses to make more sustainable choices.

At Star Group, innovation and sustainability are cornerstones of our philosophy. That's why we're thrilled to announce a strategic partnership with the Australian Institute of Packaging – the peak professional body for packaging education and training in Australasia.

A Shared Vision for the Future

This exciting collaboration signifies a mutual commitment to driving positive change within the foodservice industry. AIP is a highly respected organisation dedicated to promoting sustainable packaging practices and fostering innovation within the sector. By aligning ourselves with their expertise, we're well-positioned to make a significant contribution to a more sustainable future.

Empowering AIP Members

Through this partnership, Star Groups is proud to offer AIP members exclusive access to an even more comprehensive range of packaging solutions. Our extensive catalog encompasses a wide variety of innovative and eco-friendly options, empowering you to make responsible choices for your business without compromising on quality or performance. 

A Long-Term Commitment

We view our partnership with AIP as a long-term collaboration. By leveraging our combined expertise and industry knowledge, we aim to:

  • Drive Innovation: Together, we will explore new and innovative packaging solutions that contribute to a more sustainable foodservice industry.
  • Educate the Industry: This collaboration allows us to raise awareness about sustainable packaging options and empower businesses to make informed choices.
  • Empower Change: By offering a wider selection of eco-friendly options, we aim to encourage AIP members and the broader foodservice industry to make responsible choices for the environment.
  • Reduce Landfill Waste: By promoting sustainable packaging solutions, we can significantly decrease the amount of waste generated by the foodservice industry.
  • Promote Responsible Sourcing: We're committed to working with suppliers who prioritise eco-friendly practices and responsible material sourcing.

We believe this partnership represents a significant step forward for a more sustainable foodservice industry. Together, Star Group and the AIP are committed to creating a positive impact and leaving a lasting legacy for generations to come.

Ready to Join the Green Revolution?

At Star Group, we're passionate about helping our clients achieve success while minimising their environmental impact. With our new partnership with AIP, we're opening a world of possibilities for foodservice businesses who prioritise sustainability.

Our dedicated team of foodservice specialists won't just help you find the right eco-friendly products. They'll also analyse your specific needs and suggest solutions that optimise efficiency and cost savings, all while aligning with your sustainability goals.

Contact us today to learn more about our expanded range of eco-friendly packaging solutions and take your first step towards a greener future.

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